Flexco Microwave has established a total company commitment to quality and promotes complete customer satisfaction. Service oversees all aspects of Flexco's daily operations, and is the driving force behind the company's sustained growth and success. The Service team interfaces directly with customers, the sales force, and vendors. In addition, this team maintains the thousands of cable designs Flexco has amassed over the years, and ensures prompt response to your needs. Company administrative functions: human resources, finance, and marketing are also part of the service team.
Design & Development
Innovative products year after year. A fully staffed Engineering Group is available to offer custom design solutions that solve the ever-increasing performance demands of new microwave systems. The Design and Development Team heads up all new product development, and is responsible for innovative new products year after year. This team handles all custom designs, engineering, testing, and custom products. Design and development also oversees all tooling and machine shop operations.
Program Managers are assigned to guarantee customer satisfaction, design specifications, and quick turnaround. Flexco manufacturing plants are located in Hackettstown, NJ (18,000 sq.ft) and Port Murray, NJ (20,000 sq. ft.) located 1 hour west of NYC. The manufacturing team is responsible for materials and production, as well as the company's quality management system. Every product is subject to preliminary and final electrical and mechanical inspection, with serial number tracking and test data is required. Flexco Microwave maintains a statistical process control system and is ISO 9001-2015 certified.